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Most important tips to reduce your weight---------

Some main important tips to reduce your weight .

There are some magic tips to loss your weight .Its easy to follow and so much effective way.So lets talk some essential tips to reduce your weight.
1-Drink 1 glass of water before meal.If you drink water before meal its will help you to digest your food so rapidly.Your metabolic system will improve.Its also work as a booster of our body.
2-Always prefer some protein at breakfast time. Like you can eat one Eggs.Its will supply some less calories all day long.

3-Take a cup of Black coffee.Its work as antioxidant of our body .Its help to boost our body system.Just one thing mind that you would not add any big calories like sugar .If you take sugar with black coffee it will not help you to reduce your weight rather due to take huge calories that will bad  effects your body.

4-Always take green tea.Its also another and effective drink to reduce tea contains caffeine which help to burn our fat .Its also work as antioxidant of our body.

5-Always keep vegetables and fruits as your daily routine.

6-Eat fibers food .

7-Do some physical exercise regular.

8-Always keep way depression .

9-Sleep at time. sleep early and rise in the morning .

10-Take food and chew slowly .so that its easier for our body to digest.

11-Always avoid alcohol and soft drinks.

12-Always avoid junk food.

 Above all if you can abide by this simple and common rules ,i can assure you will loss your weight with in short time .

Obesity caused kidney disease

Another deadly diseases caused by obesity is kidneys diseases

There are so many deadly diseases caused by obesity .among them kidney diseases is deadly one.In obesity person body metabolic function can not perform well.As a result all kinds of deadly diseases are improved.Kidney disorder are so common diseases condition of obesity person.
Kidney-Kidney is looks like bean shaped organ.Its stay in pelvic cavity.There two kidneys of our body.Its located right and left side of our body in the vertebrates.Our bodies all 
excretion activity performed by our both kidneys.

Part of kidneys-According to the microscopic structure of kidneys are-
2-Glomerulus podocyte
3-Brush border cell
4-Loop of Henley

5-Distal tubule cell
6-Duct cell
7-Interstitial cell

Function of kidneys-Kidneys are plays some vital function of our body.Without this function we will die.
1-Excreate waste products from our body-The main function of kidneys excretion all waste product from our body.Its remove all the waste product from our body and keep well.Its the main function of kidneys.If its increase in our body its damage out tissue.Main waste product are ,Nitrogen,Uric acid.
2-Filteration-Filteration is also one of the main function of kidneys.Its filter all waste product from our blood and excrete through urine.
3-Maintain Body electrolyte-Its maintain our body electrolytes balance, Acid base balance,homeostasis.
4-Maintain Glucose level-Its also maintain of our body glucose level.If the glucose level become increase of our body then various deadly diseases such as diabetes are improve in our body
5-Maintain protein level-Kidneys maintain of our body albumin protein,creatinine.
6-Reabsorbed some essential element.Kidneys also reabsorbed some important element of our body. Ex-Magnesium,Calcium,Potassium ,Hydrogen,water,glucose.
All the essential function excretion,filtration,absorption are maintained by our kidneys.

Diseases of kidneys-There are some common diseases of kidneys are-

2-Kidneys stone
3-Renal failure
4- Glomerulonephritis
5-Lupus nephritis
7-infection of the kidneys 

Obesity cause kidneys diseases-We know that when our body carry extra weight then all kinds of inflammation and diseases are improved.Kidneys diseases is so common in obesity person.When our body metabolic system  do not work properly then all kinds of malabsorption shows in our body.If our pancreas juice can not relies in our body then carbohydrates contain food do not convert into glucose and its stored in our body.As a result glucose level will increase in our blood and extra glucose can not absorb our kidneys.As a result diabetes are shows in our body.In obesity person digestive system can not work properly.As a result when we eat protein contains food its can not absorb of our body metabolic function.This extra protein can not absorb our kidneys .As a result protein such as albumin protein increase in our body.In obesity person cholesterol level is always high and this extra cholesterol blocked of our blood vessel.So that our kidneys can not filter waste products from blood and chronic kidneys diseases are shown in our body.Obesity person suffer from hypertension diseases and a hypertension person kidney diseases are improve.When our kidneys excretion and filtration function can not active properly then all kinds of kidneys diseases is improve.In obesity person all body function do not active properly .As a result all kinds of deadly diseases is improve in our body.
Sign ,Symptom's of kidneys failure-Kidneys diseases like slow poison.At the first stage we can not understand that our kidneys is going to damage.We can realize it when its stay at last stage of damage.But There are some common sign symptoms of kidneys failure are-
1-Urination after some times to times.

2-Nausea ,vomiting
3-Loss your appetite
4-Glucose level will increase
5-Albumin protein will increase
6-Creatanin will increase
7-Often UTI infection
8-Muscle inflammation
9-Joint inflammation
10-Skin will darkness

Above all we can say that kidneys diseases is deadly one diseases caused by obesity.So should always check our body and try to reduce our body extra weight.


Obesity and sexual disorder

Obesity cause sexual disorder
 There are so many diseases caused obesity among them sexual disorder is one of the most common problem of men and women.Sex and obesity are closely connected with each other .If our body metabolic function can not perform well then all kinds of disorder are shown in our body.Sexual disorder improve if you are become obesity .It will hamper your sexual  function.Obesity person can not do sex so much as normal person.Its become also social impact on obesity person.In obesity person body metabolic function can not perform well as a result all kinds of diseases are shows in obesity person.Such as cardiovascular diseases,respiratory tract infection,diabetes,kidney failure,skin diseases etc.All kinds of deadly diseases is improve in obesity person.Our all body metabolic function are closely connected with each other .If one is dysfunction its pressure our whole body system.Suppose pancreas can not perform well glucose level of body become increase and improve cardiovascular diseases,diabetes.If our urination can not perform well its pressure on our kidney.They are closely connected with each other.Sexual disorder are also connected with all the body metabolic function of our body.There are some main cause of sexual disorder are-
1-Low amount of testosterone hormone produce
2- atherosclerosis
3-Inactivity of blood vessel
4-Mental depression
5-dysfunction of sexual reproductive organ
6-premature Ejaculation
7-Damage endothelium tissue
1-Low amount of testosterone hormone produce-testosterone plays a important role in sexual activity.Its stimulate our sex hormone.Its increase our sex ability.if you produce low amount of testosterone you fell less libido,you mental stress will increase and your energy level will low.All this factor is so important to play a active sexual performance.But if testosterone hormone can not produce enough in your body we can not plays a good sex drive.So its so necessary to produce enough amount of testosterone hormone.But in obesity person can not produce enough testosterone hormone due to overweight.As a result sexual activity become increase day by day.

2-Premature Ejaculation-Premature ejaculation is one of the common disorder of a obesity person.Premature ejaculation means when you can not controlled of your sex ejaculation.Its may be happened within short time of sex after or before.You become uncontrolled of your sexual activity.Its so common in adult age person.But its so improve in obesity person.Cause of premature ejaculation is unknown but some factor like ,mental stress,obesity,low level of testosterone hormone,anxiety,sex with new partner its common some factor.Its also occur at the time of organism ejaculation send  back into the bladder rather than urethra and out from our penis easily.  the So if you stopped premature ejaculation you have reduce your weight, keep away mental stress,lead a happy life ,sex with your own legal partner.

3-Mental depression-Mental depression also cause of sexual inactivity.When your testosterone level become discrease you fell so mental stress.Mental stress on of the main cause of sexual inactivity.If mind is not well your body also feel sick . We should always keep our mind fresh  .There are also close connection with depression and weight gain.If your weight gain your testosterone level become discrease.As a result you can not play a good sex performance .So always free from depression.

4-Atherosclerosis- Artherosclerosis is of the major cause of sexual disorder.This type of syndrome are most common in obesity person.This factor is improve in obesity person.When cholesterol is stored of our blood vessel its struck to blood flow of our organ.As a result blood flow can not go to the penis .In obesity person cholesterol level is always high.So the condition or Atherosclerosis is improve .Its also so deadly for our heart.When its stored majore artery of our hear then heart can not blood supply of our organ and penis also.As a result heart attacked and sexual disorder are shown.

5-Inactivity of blood vessel-Blood vessel problem in obesity person is also so common.When our body metabolic function are not perform well then our body cholesterol level increased and stored of our blood vessel.Its struck the blood flow of our body limbs.Due to inactivity of blood vessel body organ do not get enough nutrient and shows malabsorption.So the energy which we need to perform sexual activity the blood vessel can not supply to our penis .As a result sexual disorder are shows in our body.So if you want to keep from blockage of your blood vessel you have to maintain a daily routine.Keep at your diet,do some regular exercise,avoid junk food.Measure your cholesterol level and maintain.

6-Damage endothelium tissue-Damage of endothelium tissue also cause of sexual disorder .In obesity person its so common.When endothelium do not function properly our penis can not get enough blood to produce ejaculate.As a result our sexual disorder become improve. 

7-Dysfunction of sexual reproductive organ-men have sexual reproductive organ.This are -
Male sexual reproductive organ-
6-Ejaculatory ducts
8-Seminal vesicles
9-Prostate gland
10-Bulbourethral glands

when all the organ are active the sexual performance will be good.But in obesity person all the organ function can not shows activity .as a result sexual disorder are shows in our body.
In a word we can say that obesity cause the sexual disorder.Because in obesity person all the body metabolic function can not properly.So all the disorder are shows in our body.To keep fit we should reduce our weight.

Obesity cause joint inflammation.

Joint inflammation cause obesity

Joint inflammation is another common diseases in obesity person.Obesity and join pain is closely connected with each other.Without one another can not think.Where is obesity joint inflammation is there .
Joint inflammation means pain in different part of out joint.Ex-Neck joint,Elbow joint,Arm joint,Ankle joint,wrist joint,Hip joint etc.
join inflammation is improve in obesity person day by day.Our body system is made in a systematic way.All the system of our body are perform a balance way.So if our body carry extra weight our whole body regulation  system must be hampered .If a person have one pound extra weight his/her joint bear about extra 4 pound.So just think if a person carry 20 extra over weight his joint carry about 80 extra weight.Its not only effect of our joint ,This extra tissue produce different kinds of element which is increase the risk of joint pain and effect of our whole body system.
There are many joint inflammation among them common joint inflammation are-
2-Rheumatoid arthritis
3-oestio arthritis
4-Psoriatic arthritis
7-Lupus erythematosus

 1-Arthritis-Arthritis is most common inflammation of obesity person.Arthritis is not a a single phase its indicates so many diseases in a fix.There are many types of arthritis among them are so common above all diseases.Our joint is made of so many tendon ,ligament and soft tissue.Our blood cell are produce from our joint and it has autoimmune system.Its protect our body from all kinds of diseases and foreign body.But when this function of our body are hampered then our body autoimmune system are not active .As a result inflammation are shown of our body.Extra weight destroyed our joint tendon,tissue ,muscle and its effect of our whole body system and the risk factor of inflammation is increase.This is the common autoimmune system of our body.But when it inactive our inflammation in the join are increase.The most common arthritis are

2-Osteoarthritis arthritis-
Osteoarthritis arthritis is one of the common arthritis in obesity person.In America most of the obesity person are suffer from this arthritis.Its effect of our knee joint,hip joint, back pain.The main cause of osteoarthritis is carry extra weight means obesity.When our body carry extra weight its effect our body joint. our joint are made of tendons,ligament, soft tissue and its bear a fixed weight according to our body BMI.When our body carry extra weight its pressure of our joint and damage our joint function. Its damage our soft  tissue,pressure on our ligament,tendons.As a result  the risk of inflammation is increase.Its so common all over the world in obesity person.

3-Gout-Gout is also common in obesity person.We know that our blood cell are produce from our joint and it has autoimmune system.But in obesity person its reduce and the process become inactive..Extra weight produce extra Uric acid in our blood. As a result Uric acid of our blood become increase and the inflammation risk of our joint become increase.

4-Fibromyalgia-Fibromyalgia is one of the complex pain disorder.Its symptoms pain of our muscle, tendons,sleep apnea,depression.Its improve who are carry extra weight.Most of the obesity women are suffer from this diseases.Its occur when our endocrine gland function are not work properly due to obesity.Endocrine gland are Hypothalamus gland,pituitary gland and Adrenal gland plays a important role in our body .This HPA gland secretion one kinds of hormone which answer of stress condition.Fimbromyalgia is one kind of dysfunction of this HPA gland.This gland communicate with our autoimmune system,digestive system,our mind and hormone.If the malfunction are shows of our HPA gland then this diseases is improve.Its common in obesity person.

 5-Lupus erythematosus- Lupus erythematosus diseases also one kinds of chronic inflammation of our joint.Its destroyed our body autoimmune system.When its attacked of our body autoimmune system by mistaken its destroyed of its own tissue and limbs.Its so common of obesity person.

6-Psoriatic arthritis-Psoriatic arthritis is one kind of inflammation .Its destroyed our autoimmune system .In this diseases its attacked of our skin.Its improve of our body because a obesity person bodies hormone like leptin and adiponectin are dysfunction  as a result Psoriatic arthritis are shows in our body.Its so common in obesity person.

7-Rheumatoid arthritis-Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common disease in obesity person.Its destroyed our body autoimmune system and inflammation.Its common in adult age person basically women.Its also common all age person.This diseases attacked of our joint.Such as knee joint,Hip joint, elbow joint, wrist joint etc.In this diseases our body autoimmune system attacked with  synovium.Synovium is the inner and outer surface line of our joint.Synovium is one kinds of soft tissue and the space line of diarthrodial joints, tendon sheaths, and bursae. When our body autoimmune system are attacked of our synovium line then the risk factor of joint inflammation is improve.Its also damage of the other part of the body.such as skin,blood vessel,lung,eye,heart,kidney,none marrow.

After all we can say that obesity and joint inflammation are closely connected with each other.If we safe from this joint inflammation we should control our weight.

Skin diseases

Obesity cause skin diseases

Skin diseases is another cause of various deadly diseases.Obesity factor increase many skin diseases.Extra weight leads to many deadly diseases .There are some common skin diseases are-
1-Skin will dry
4-Change collagen
6-Marks of our body
7-Stimulates hormone
8- Acanthosis nigricans
10-Keratosis pilaris

1-Skin will dry-Obesity person has large skin thickness.So that water level are lost from this skin hurry.As a result our skin looks like dry.In our body named by sebaceous glands keep some major role .Its produce oily substance so that our skin become moisturized and shiny.But in obesity person this gland can not perform a major role in our body due to our large skin thickness.As a result our skin become dry,rough,not shiny.

2-Acne-Acne is one of the common problem in obesity person.Most of the obesity person are suffer from this diseases.Its on of the bacteria infection.The name of this bacteria is Propionibacterium.Its produce when our sweat gland become blocked due to large skin thickness.Sebaceous gland play a vital role in our body .Its produce some essential oily element and keep our body skin fresh ,shiny.But when this sebaceous gland are infected and can not produce this element .AS a result our sweat gland become blocked due to sebaceous gland inactivity and acne is shown in our skin. 

3-Lymphedema-Lymphedema is also one of the common problem in obesity .Most of the obesity person has lymph edema.In obesity person lymphatic substance flow are obstructed .As a result our body store some protein contains lymphatic fluid in our
subcutaneous tissue.As a result our lymph edema become increase in our body .

4-Collagen-Collagen substance play some important role in our body.Its help to wound healing quickly.In obesity person blood circulation is become change.As a result the collagen element can not perform its activity.Due to change of collagen our bodies wound healing quickly.

5-Cellulitis-Cellulitis is one kinds of fat cell.Its grow under the skin.This skin problem is common all the obesity person .When this fat cell become big its pressure on our connective tissue and shows some dimple on our skin.If you want to protect from this diseases you should reduce your obesity.You should change your lifestyle.You should change your diet.

6-Acanthosis nigricans-This diseases is common most of the obesity person.Its shows of our neck,groin,face,elbow.Its looks like a dark mark on our body.

7-Stimulates hormone-Obesity person may have various kinds of skin diseases due to hormone change.When it occur diseases such as-Acanthosis nigricans diseases,skin cancer,hormone problem of men and women are shown.

8-Keratosis pilaris-Its on of the skin diseases of obesity person.There are some brown pa pules are shown some place of our body.ex-neck,groin,arms.

9-Hirsutism-This type of skin diseases are also shown of obesity person.There are some pa pules shows in our arm in this diseases.

10-Marks of our body-There are some unusual mark stretch in our body.Its shows different parts of our body.EX-Breasts.abdomen,thigh.

11-psoriasis-Psoriasis are also common in obesity person.Dry,itchy and some red rush shows of our body parts. Its shows diffident part of our body.

In a word obesity caused many skin diseases.So if we free from this type of skin diseases we should reduce our weight, lifestyle,diet.   

Deadly diseases RTI

Another deadly diseases RTI.

 RTI- RTI means respiratory tract infection.Its not a single phase.Its indicates so many diseases in a fix.RTI is another deadly diseases caused by obesity and other organism.Ever year all over the world die from this diseases.This is third reason of death all over the world.There are some common diseases including with RTI.There are-
1-Upper respiratory tract infection
2-Lower respiratory tract infection

5-Sleep apnea
Upper respiratory tract infection-Upper respiratory tract made of-


 All the organ are infected by Bacteria, virus,and obesity .The most common Bacteria infection are -

1-Whopping cough-Whopping cough are suffer most of the adult age and some people young age.The name of bacteria cause by Whooping cough is  Bordetella pertussis.

2-Tonsils-When the inflammation of our tonsils gland its called tonsillitis.Its part of pharyngitis.Its occur due to cold.Most of the children and some young age people are suffer from this diseases.Its mainly caused by virus infection.
3-Sinuse-When the infection of our sinus organ its called sinusitis.Its one of the virus infection.
4-Pharynx-When the infection of our throat are attacked its called pharyngitis.Its occur due to virus .

 Lower respiratory tract infection-Lower respiratory organ includes-

6-Otitis media

1-Bronchitis-When the infection attacked of the bronchi its called bronchitis.Its infected large airways of bronchi.
2-Bronchioles-When the infection attacked of small airways of bronchi oles its called bronchitis.
3-Lungs infection-When the infection attacked of our lungs its called lungs infection.EX-lung cancer .
4-Otitis media- Otitis media means middle ear infection.Its the common upper respiratory tract infection all over the world infection.
5-Pneumonia-Most of the young child are suffer from this diseases.Its occur due to colds .The name of bacteria cause by pneumonia is Streptococcus pneumonia.
6-Influenza-Its one of the common diseases all over the world.Its effect of nose.throat and some part of our lung.Most of the baby and some young age people are suffer from this diseases .The name of this bacteria is Haemophilus influenza .

Obesity-Obesity is one of the also major cause of respiratory tract infection.When the obesity increase of our chest wall its obstruct of normal movement of diaphragm and as a result our lungs function become reduced.So that the risk factor of respiratory tract infection become increase.
Common Diseases of respiratory tract infection caused by obesity are-
3-Sleep apnea
4-Pulmonary clot

COPD - Copd means chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases .Main cause when the airflow obstructive of our inside or outside of lungs.Copd is one of the deadly diseases all over the world.Every year many people die of this diseases.
Cause of COPD-
1-The main cause of Copd is Smoking,Tobacco
2-Air pollution
5-Chonic infection of bronchitis.

Sign symptoms of COPD-
2-Breathing problem means shortness of breath.
3-Lung sound will changed
4-Chest will feel heavy.
6-Pules will abnormal

7-Cough with blood
8-Cough with sputum
9-Can not exercise

Sleep apnea- Sleep apnea
is the main cause of obesity.Sleep apnea means when we sleep our breath obstructive sometimes and after sometimes .Its occur because when our lung can not supply adequate oxygen in our brain.When we sleep out tissue become so more relax and our extra overweight tissue barrier to our lung function.So over weight is the main cause of sleep apnea.

Pulmonary clot-Its one of the serious disorder of our lung function.When blood clot  our blood vessels then our blood can not carry oxygen to the brain as a result we become death.

Asthma-Asthma is one of the major infection of respiratory tract .Its occurs when our air ways becomes narrow then it can not supply enough oxygen in our body.Its one of the  dysfunction of lungs.Asthma attacked all age of people but its attacked children and adult age person more.
Cause of Asthma-There are some main reason of asthma  are-
1-Allergens-Some people may have allergens from flower,dust,animal,pollen of trees,chemicals
4-Air pollution
6-Chemicals dust
7-So much cold
8-so much heat
9-Allergens from foods
11-Drug allergens .Ex-Sulfur,aspirin,beta blockers,Pain killer,Antibiotic.

So we can say any doubt  that Respiratory tract  infection is one of the deadly diseases.We should maintain a routine and control our body weight.

Deadly diseases caused by obesity-Diabetes

Deadly diseases caused by obesity diabetes
 Deadly diseases caused by obesity diabetes.Diabetes is another deadly diseases caused by obesity.So many people all over the world are suffering from this diseases.
Diabetes- Diabetes means when our body can not make enough insulin.Diabetes is one kind of metabolic disorder of our body function.when we take food its convert into glucose with the help of insulin.When our body can not make enough insulin then metabolic function is hampered .As a result our body metabolism can not convert to carbohydrates as a glucose .So our glucose level of our body become increase and we suffer from hyperglycemia.
Insulin make pancreas cell of our body.Pancreas has a cell called beta ,its make insulin.When the beta cell can not produce enough insulin then glucose stored in our body and can not absorbed by  cell.As a result glucose levels increase in our body.In this diseases our body cells can not take enough glucose because of increase glucose level.
There are two types of diabetes-
Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes.There are also another diabetes its shown on the time of pregnancy Gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes-Type 1 diabetes means when our body can not make insulin.Its happened destruction of so many pancreas  cell.About most of the pancreases beta cell damage in type 1 diabetes .Our pan crease beta cell can not produce insulin.Asa result our food can not convert in to glucose.So glucose level of our body become increase. Its one kinds of insulin dependable type 1 diabetes.We need to supply insulin our body from out side of our body.Our body has auto immune system.When any foreign body,bacteria,virus attack our body then our body auto immune system work with the help of our body cell.But when our pancreas cell destruction cell day by day our body cell can not get enough energy due to high blood glucose level of our blood .So many  deadly diseases factor improve day by day.Its mainly occur any kind of age person.ex-Adult age.young age,children.Some people are suffer from this type 1 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes-When our body can not make enough insulin with the help of beta pancreas cell.In this type 2 diabetes the body can not make proper insulin .In type 2 diabetes our body muscle , liver, fat cells can not make proper insulin as a result the glucose level of
age men and adult age men.This kind of diabetes is so rare in young age but it common obesity person .Type 2 diabetes beta cell our body become increase.Type 2 diabetes remain our body so many year without  undiagnosed.Type 2 diabetes are suffer middle age men and adult age men.This kind of diabetes is so rare in young age but it common obesity person .Type 2 diabetes beta cell produce some little insulin.Its can not help enough to our metabolic function .As a result the glucose level of our body become increase. Many people are suffer type 2 diabetes.

Gestational diabetes-This type of diabetes are shown on during pregnancy.At the time of pregnancy some women body produce glucose so much. This huge amount of glucose can not transport to
the cell.To transport this glucose their body can not make enough insulin.As a result this type of diabetes are shown in pregnancy time.
Sign symptoms of diabetes-There are some common sign symptoms of diabetes are
1-Blood glucose level increase
2-Become thirsty
3-Hunger will increase
4-Suddenly weight loss
5-sexul disorder
6-Urination after some times to times
8-do not make over wound healing

Blood glucose level increase- When we suffer from diabetes our blood glucose level become increase.When our pancreas beta cell can not make proper insulin then glucose level of our blood will increase .This is the main cause of diabetes.Destruction of pancreas cell.As a result the metabolic function of our body hamper.
Urination after some times to times-When the glucose level of our body will increase our urination will increase.
Hunger will increase-Our body cell can not absorbed glucose due to insulin disorder.As a result our body can not get proper energy and become starve all time.
Obesity-When our body can not convert carbohydrates into glucose then it stored in our body .As a result we become fat.
Become thirsty-In this diseases urination are increase .So that our body needs to more water to process our metabolism function.As a result we become thirsty.
Weight loss-As our body cell cannot get enough energy because disorder of pancreas disorder .As a result we suffer from lack of energy and our body weight become loss day by day.
Sexual disorder-Sexual disorder is the common of a diabetes person.

Complication of diabetes-There are many deadly complication of diabetes are-

1-Cardiovascular diseases.
2-High blood pressure.
3-Cholesterol level will high.
4-Glucose level will high in blood.
5-Glucose level will low in blood.
6-Eye diseases.
7-skin diseases.
8-sexul activity reduce.
9-Do not wound healing.
12-Gastrointestional diseases.
13-Teeth problem.
14-Mental stress.
15-kidney diseases

How to control diabetes-

1-Do physical exercise.
2-Control your obesity.
3-Control your glucose level.
4-Maintain your diet.
5-Avoid junk food.
6-Avoid alcohol.
7-Avoid smoking.
8-Do not eat over cholesterol food.
9-Avoid mental stress.
10-Take insulin as inject able form .
11-Control your blood pressure.
12-Measure your blood glucose sometimes.

After all we can say that Diabetes is not a curable diseases .we should maintain a daily routine and always take care of our health.


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