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Make a simple diet to loss your weight

Make a simple  diet for own

Diet is most important to loss your weight. If you maintain your diet you must loss your weight within few days .In our question which diet is best for us? we should always prefer a simple diet . Here i will show you some daily normal diet

. Eating fruits-You have to eat fruits daily .keep fruits in your regular diet .You must know all that fruits are very important for your health.Fruit diet is effective in detoxification of our body, it improve healing process and it also helps healthy weight loss.   Preferred fruits are apple, watermelon,orange and all kinds of citrus fruits .

Eat grapefruit is the best weight loss fruit.It has low sugar content and lots of fiber to help improve your digestive system. Eat apple regular . Apples have pectin in them which forms a slimy substance in the intestine, stimulating bowel movement.It contains Phosphorous and Potassium which help wash out the kidneys.Always try to eat fresh and apples.

 Drink green tea - Green tea is probably the most healthiest weight loss drink. Three cups a day of  green tea can help you burn 80 calories.

 Eat vegetables -You can eat raw vegetables in form of plain salad or you can eat boil vegetables and add some salt and pepper . You should not eat cream,butter. You should eat potato which provides you a good supply of ions and water for your body . Potato is rich in important minerals like potassium ,calcium, iron and phosphorus.Potato is good source of vitaminC,vitaminA, B it also contain starch which best source of starch.

 Make a salad recipe- make a salad recipe with leaves, cabbage, green onion, carrots, radish. tomato, lemon juice .

Make a diet soup- make a diet soup with  water, onion , green chile, tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce leaf, carrot .
Drink water with honey- take at least 10 glass of water. Take a glass of mild warm water and add 2 tablespoon of honey and 3 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice mix it well and drink it before breakfast once daily.

If you follow all this diet chart,  you can expect a healthy loss life within few days .

Take some regular exercise

 Do some physical exercise regular

Physical exercise means the regular movement of our body limbs .Its essential to keep our body feet and sound mind .It is performed for various reasons, including increasing growth and development, its gives strength muscles and  improve the cardiovascular system,  weight loss or maintenance, and merely enjoyment.  Regular physical exercise increase the immune system and helps prevent from deadly diseases of affluence" such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes . It  also help to reduce stress and depression, increase quality of sleep and  protect from diseases such as insomnia, improve mental health, maintain steady digestion and treat constipation and as, regulate fertility health, and augment an There are close connection between body and mind . We can not think of a sound mind without a sound health. Physical exercise enables our body function smoothly . Regular exercise makes our muscle strong. Its also improve our power of  digestion. Its helps to perform our blood  circulation .Its gave strength to our brain.If we do some regular exercise no diseases can touch us  . Its help to refresh our mind and keep fit . Physical exercise helps to reduce our fat . Without physical exercise its quite impossible  .So we take some regular exercise . In our regular chart we must  includes physical exercise.

Always avoid junk food

Avoid junk food to reduce your weight

 junk food is a food that easy to prepare but that is bad for health.The term junk food means a food do not good to the body health in anyway. It is less nutritional and harmful to the body systems. Most of junk foods contain high level of saturated fats, sugar, salt and bad cholesterol which are toxin to the health. They become lack of dietary fibers so easily get involve in causing constipation and other digestive disorders. Junk foods have gained so much popularity because of the nice taste and easy to cook. There are many ready made junk foods available in the market packed in the poly bags. Most of the people are depend on such ready made foods because of their busy schedule or they do not know to cook food at home.
 It has a pungent taste.Junk food is not a healthy food to the health which every kid and children must know because they generally love to eat junk food.junk food  it looks like attractive and tests sweet but so harmful for our health.
junk food contains a lot of animal fat or sugar .Junk foods are trash food to the health because they are high in calorie, fat, cholesterol, sugar and salt components. Nowadays kids and teenagers are more prone to eat junk foods daily in bulk amount. They are leading their lives towards danger through their unhealthy lifestyle. They generally eat chips, french fries, cracks, snack, chawmin, burger, pizza, pasta, and other junk foods whenever they feel hungry. No junk foods are beneficial and provide no nutritional value.Food like chips , burgers, crisp. cakes are high in animal fat.Foods like sweets and fizzy drink are high in animal fat.  it often contains added chemicals which make it tastes soothing
Junk food contain animal fat which make a man fat. its contain high sugar which damage our teeth and skin. Junk food has a less health value .It affects the health in all ways of the people of any age group, weight and health condition. Junk foods are considered as high in calories however one who eat end up easily getting exhausted and need more food frequently. Junk food does not provide appropriate level of energy thus the eater develop tendencies of craving more food frequently. What we generally acquire from the junk foods are unhealthy fats and not healthy ingredients thus we feel lack of oxygen which causes poor brain functioning. We absorb much cholesterol from such type of foods which causes plaque formation in the arteries and creates problems for the heart to pump normal amount of blood. That’s why we feel high level fatigue. High level of bad cholesterol destroys our liver and put more weight at the same time.

According to the research, kids and children eating more junk food on daily basis are overweight and obese and highly prone to the heart and liver disorders. Such kids are more prone to become diabetic and lethargic because of high sugar collection in their body in the early ages. They get high blood pressure because of high amount of sodium mineral in the junk foods. Kids and children should be trained by their parents to follow healthy eating habits from the childhood.Junk food lacks the vitamins and minerals that we need.Good health is the necessity of living a healthy life for every one of us which needs to maintain a healthy diet and healthy
If we kept our health fit wealthy we should always avoid junk.If you want to reduce your weight you should always avoid junk food .In a word do not eat junk food.

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Loss your weight in normal some way

There are some key to reduce your weight
weight loss life
Every men try to reduce their weight . But sometimes they are goes to wrong way. Our  duties is to inform them a right choice and right product . 
Now a days  overweight is one of the most common problem all over the world. So that we can not live our normal life due to over weight . Weight is struck our daily life. We can not move easily , do not go outside easily and many other work are not perform by us easily . 
Today i will show you some direction how to reduce your weight. 
Follow us here .

Rule no 1- Take a healthy diet .
Diet that's rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes and low in refined grains, sugary foods, and saturated help reduce  fats.You can include low fat such as-fish, poultry, and other lean meats, and dairy foods.You should take fiber food from plant.

Rule no 2-Eat slowly and chew well .
After taking your food you  should eat slowly and chew it well .so that your stomach digest it well .
this allows more time for satiety signals to reach the brain (it takes about 20 minutes), so slow eaters tend to feel more full and eat less. The process of chewing itself may also stimulate satiety signals. In addition, eating slowly makes you more aware of the smell, taste, and texture of the foods.

Rule no3-Take regular some exercise.
Regular exercise is most important for every men life . Every body should take some exercise daily .  Human body is one of the machine .When you try to  maintain a machine you can do it. so our body is like same . you have to maintain your regular daily routine. you should  take some regular exercise and change your mind .This will help you so much reduce your weight. Not only exercise help you to reduce your weight but also its prevent you from all kinds of diseases.

weight loss lifeRule no 4-Do not eat junk food.
Junk food is  so harmful for our body .We should always avoid junk food.We should not take eat over calories food. Beverages are not as satiating as solid foods, and people usually do not compensate for liquid calories by eating less food. It’s okay to drink milk but otherwise stick with water or other noncaloric beverages like tea and coffee (watch the cream and sugar). Choose whole fruits over juice. The jury is still out on whether they help with weight loss.
 Rule no 5- Eating low energy food.
Eating foods low in energy density—that is, with fewer calories relative to their weight and volume—increases satiety, so you are likely to fill up on fewer calories. well-regarded food eating plan. In general, the best way to lower the energy density of your diet is to eat more foods that have a high water and high fiber content (notably fruits, vegetables, broth-based soups, and cooked whole grains) in place of low-moisture or high-fat foods (such as cheese, crackers, cookies, and fried potatoes). 

 Rule no 6- Sleep enough and regular.
A survey shows factor in body weight may be your sleep habits. Though the optimal amount of sleep varies from person to person, too little sleep (fewer than six hours a night in one study) has been  because it may affect appetite hormones and lead to increased hunger and food intake, decreased calorie burning, and increased fat storage. 

If you follow all this you may be expect to loss your weight .


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