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Loss your weight in normal some way

There are some key to reduce your weight
weight loss life
Every men try to reduce their weight . But sometimes they are goes to wrong way. Our  duties is to inform them a right choice and right product . 
Now a days  overweight is one of the most common problem all over the world. So that we can not live our normal life due to over weight . Weight is struck our daily life. We can not move easily , do not go outside easily and many other work are not perform by us easily . 
Today i will show you some direction how to reduce your weight. 
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Rule no 1- Take a healthy diet .
Diet that's rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes and low in refined grains, sugary foods, and saturated help reduce  fats.You can include low fat such as-fish, poultry, and other lean meats, and dairy foods.You should take fiber food from plant.

Rule no 2-Eat slowly and chew well .
After taking your food you  should eat slowly and chew it well .so that your stomach digest it well .
this allows more time for satiety signals to reach the brain (it takes about 20 minutes), so slow eaters tend to feel more full and eat less. The process of chewing itself may also stimulate satiety signals. In addition, eating slowly makes you more aware of the smell, taste, and texture of the foods.

Rule no3-Take regular some exercise.
Regular exercise is most important for every men life . Every body should take some exercise daily .  Human body is one of the machine .When you try to  maintain a machine you can do it. so our body is like same . you have to maintain your regular daily routine. you should  take some regular exercise and change your mind .This will help you so much reduce your weight. Not only exercise help you to reduce your weight but also its prevent you from all kinds of diseases.

weight loss lifeRule no 4-Do not eat junk food.
Junk food is  so harmful for our body .We should always avoid junk food.We should not take eat over calories food. Beverages are not as satiating as solid foods, and people usually do not compensate for liquid calories by eating less food. It’s okay to drink milk but otherwise stick with water or other noncaloric beverages like tea and coffee (watch the cream and sugar). Choose whole fruits over juice. The jury is still out on whether they help with weight loss.
 Rule no 5- Eating low energy food.
Eating foods low in energy density—that is, with fewer calories relative to their weight and volume—increases satiety, so you are likely to fill up on fewer calories. well-regarded food eating plan. In general, the best way to lower the energy density of your diet is to eat more foods that have a high water and high fiber content (notably fruits, vegetables, broth-based soups, and cooked whole grains) in place of low-moisture or high-fat foods (such as cheese, crackers, cookies, and fried potatoes). 

 Rule no 6- Sleep enough and regular.
A survey shows factor in body weight may be your sleep habits. Though the optimal amount of sleep varies from person to person, too little sleep (fewer than six hours a night in one study) has been  because it may affect appetite hormones and lead to increased hunger and food intake, decreased calorie burning, and increased fat storage. 

If you follow all this you may be expect to loss your weight .


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