Some main reason of body weight
There are many reason behind obesity .Obesity is not a one day process.Its increase our body day by day .
What is obesity-Obesity means when we taken high amount of energy such as fat,sugar,carbohydrate,protein but if we do not waste it by physical exercise or physical activity, its stored our body as a fat.As a result we become fat
There are Some main reason of obesity are -
1-Eating over.
2- measure your calories
3-Physical inactivity of our body
4-Eating low quality diet.
5-eating fast food.
6-lack of sleep
7-mental stress
8-Genetics reason
Do not eat over- Over eating is always bad for our health.Eating over means such big amount of energy.WE need to count which amount of energy we taken and which amount of energy we lost.Generaly we should keep in mind .ex-which amount of energy we got from food or drink, is it body used.To maintain healthy weight we should considered how much energy input our body and how much out from our body.If we maintain our input and output energy system our body will never fat.
What is obesity-Obesity means when we taken high amount of energy such as fat,sugar,carbohydrate,protein but if we do not waste it by physical exercise or physical activity, its stored our body as a fat.As a result we become fat
There are Some main reason of obesity are -
1-Eating over.
2- measure your calories
3-Physical inactivity of our body
4-Eating low quality diet.
5-eating fast food.
6-lack of sleep
7-mental stress
8-Genetics reason
Do not eat over- Over eating is always bad for our health.Eating over means such big amount of energy.WE need to count which amount of energy we taken and which amount of energy we lost.Generaly we should keep in mind .ex-which amount of energy we got from food or drink, is it body used.To maintain healthy weight we should considered how much energy input our body and how much out from our body.If we maintain our input and output energy system our body will never fat.
On the other hand if our body do not get enough energy we become sick and our body weight become loss.
Measure your food calories- Eat always by measure your food calories.Energy unit means calories.The healthy and physical active men need 2500 calories per day on the other hand women need 2000 calories per day to keep healthy and fit.If we take more calories our all efforts to loss weight will be vanished. So always measure your calories.
Physical inactivity of our body- I have already told how much important physical exercise.Today i will say what is means physical inactivity.Physical inactivity means inactive if our body limbs.Our body is looks like a machine .If a machine do not work it become goes out of order our body is also same. If our body do not active its also goes out of order .means all kinds of diseases will be live in our body .If our body do not use energy properly and its stored our body .As result we become fat.
Eating low quality of diet-We should always follow a balance diet.Without balance diet our body do not get proper energy .Balance diet is also provides all kinds of nutrients for our body.Poor diet means eating fast food, drink soda, alcohol. chips, burger etc.Which is always harmful for our body.So be careful of your diet.
Eating fast food-Fast food means junk food .always avoid junk food .which is food always junk i already told you .junk food contains a lot of animal fat or sugar .Junk foods are trash food to the health because they are high in calorie, fat, cholesterol, sugar and salt components.Junk food contain animal fat which make a man fat. its contain high sugar which damage our teeth and skin. Junk food has a less health value .So we should always avoid junk food.
Sleep disorder-Sleep is most important of our body.Its active our body energy.When we lost our energy after doing work all day long we become tired .we lost our energy .But when we sleep our body become fit again and perform our daily work easily .Its also keep away our stress ,Hypertention, improve our body system. When we do not sleep properly our digestive function become decrease .As a food do not digest easily and its become stored our body.So our body become fat .
Mental stress- Mental stress is one of the main cause of obesity.I have already told you about mental stress.Up and down from time to time is a normal part of life, but when emotions such as depression and despair take hold and just do not go away, you may have depression. Depression hamper to function of our body and enjoy life like you once did. Mental stress shows as a risk factor for high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and cancer . The association between stress and long-term weight gain is less clear. Stress may changes in dietary behaviors that lead to weight change .When you fell depression you can lead to overeating and weight gain.So always free from mental stress.
Genetics reason-Genetics reason is one of the main cause of weight gain.Its true that some genetics we get from our inherites .such as from our father.We become hungry and eat so much .There are some hormone problems which cause of overweight and obesity. ex- thyroid (hypothyroidism), Cushing's syndrome, and polycystic ovarian syndrome are cause of over weight
inactivity of thyroid means if our thyroid do not work properly condition as a result the thyroid gland doesn't make enough thyroid hormone. Lack of thyroid hormone will slow down your metabolism and cause weight gain. You'll also feel tired and weak.
After all we can say that we should always follow a daily routine. Without we can not reduce our body weight.
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