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Diseases caused by obesity

The main diseases caused by obesity
There are some main diseases caused by obesity .The effect of obesity of our body is so pathetic.All the deadly diseases are attacked by obesity.The main diseases caused by obesity are-
1-Heart diseases
3-High blood pressure
5-Breathing problem
7-Gallbladder diseases

1- Heart diseases- Heart diseases is main caused by obesity.When you take high amount of calories but we do not spend by physical activity .Then a big amount of calories stored in our body. As a result the cholesterol level of our body is increase and our cardiovascular system activity become decrease.So keep good condition of our heart we should always take care of our health.We need to think input and output calories so that our  body can not stored so much fat.

2-Heart stroke- Heart stroke is one of the deadly caused by obesity.When our body stored a big amount of fat then our body cholesterol level is increase. As a result out artery and vein become narrow with this cholesterol and its can not supply proper oxygen in our brain.As a result our heart stroke.So keep in mind that your body can not stored a huge amount of fat.

3-High blood pressure- High blood pressure is another caused by obesity.When your body stored a big amount of fat your blood
pressure is increase day by day if your body can not spend this energy doing some physical activity.So you need to some physical exercise if you want to keep away high blood pressure.

4-Diabetes- When the sugar level of our body become increase due to eat over calories and obesity then our pancreas juice can not digest our food easily as a result type 1 or type 2 diabetes are shown.So if we control diabetes we should do some physical exercise .So that the sugar level of our body do not increase.

5-Breathing problem- When your body weight become increase you will suffer breathing problem.A pressure create on your body ex-heart, lung .So that your heart can not supply oxygen in your lunch and lunch can not  easily. As a result we will suffer sleep apnea ,asthama. So keep fresh breath you have to maintain your health.

6-Osteoarthritis- When our body carry extra weight its keep pressure of our joint .ex-knee joint, hip joint.As result the inflammation is become increase. Because our body have a tolerance capacity. when this extra weight burden on our body then diseases called osteoarthritis are attacked.

7-Gallbladder diseases- Gallbladder diseases is one of the cause of obesity.In this diseases your body weight suddenly increase or discrease .Our thyroid hormone can not perform properly .
8-Gout- Gout is also one of the result of obesity. When we are overweight our uric acid in our blood increase .for this extra uric acid inflammation is increase of our joint.As a result wee may suffer gout diseases.

 After all we can say that obesity is one of the deadly passion. All deadly diseases are caused by obesity. So we should always maintain our regular health.  

Reason of body weight

Some main reason of  body weight

There are many reason behind obesity .Obesity is not a one day process.Its increase our body day by day .
What is obesity-Obesity means when we taken high amount of energy such as fat,sugar,carbohydrate,protein but if we do not waste it by physical exercise or physical activity, its stored our body as a fat.As a result we become fat
There are Some main reason of obesity are -
1-Eating over.
2- measure your calories
3-Physical inactivity of our body
4-Eating low quality diet.
5-eating fast food.
6-lack of sleep
7-mental stress
8-Genetics reason

Do not eat over- Over eating is always bad for our health.Eating over means such big amount of energy.WE need to count which amount of energy we taken and which amount of energy we lost.Generaly  we should keep in mind .ex-which amount of energy we got from food or drink, is it body used.To maintain healthy weight we should considered how much energy input our body and how much out from our body.If we maintain our input and output energy system our body will never fat.

On the other hand if our body do not get enough energy we become sick and our body weight become loss.
Measure your food calories- Eat always by measure your food calories.Energy unit means calories.The healthy and physical active men need 2500 calories per day on the other hand women need 2000 calories per day to keep healthy and fit.If we take more calories our all efforts to loss weight will be vanished. So always measure your calories.

Physical inactivity of our body- I have already told   how much important physical exercise.Today i will say what is means physical inactivity.Physical inactivity means inactive if our body limbs.Our body is looks like a machine .If a machine do not work it become goes out of order our body is also same. If our body do not  active its also goes out of order .means all kinds of diseases will be live in our body .If our body do not use energy properly and its stored our body .As result we become fat.

Eating low quality of diet-We should always follow a balance diet.Without balance diet our body do not get proper energy .Balance diet is also provides all kinds of nutrients for our body.Poor diet means eating fast food, drink soda, alcohol. chips, burger etc.Which is always harmful for our body.So be careful of your diet.
Eating fast food-Fast food means junk food .always avoid junk food .which is food always junk i already told you .junk food contains a lot of animal fat or sugar .Junk foods are trash food to the health because they are high in calorie, fat, cholesterol, sugar and salt components.Junk food contain animal fat which make a man fat. its contain high sugar which damage our teeth and skin. Junk food has a less health value .So we should always avoid junk food.

Sleep disorder-Sleep is most important of our body.Its active our body energy.When we lost our energy after doing work all day long we become tired .we lost our energy .But when we sleep our body become fit again and perform our daily work easily .Its also keep away our stress ,Hypertention, improve our body system. When we do not sleep properly our digestive function become decrease  .As a food do not digest easily and its become stored our body.So our body become fat .

Mental stress- Mental stress is one of the main cause of obesity.I have already told you about mental stress.Up and down from time to time is a normal part of life, but when emotions such as depression and despair take hold and just do not go away, you may have depression.  Depression hamper  to function of our body and enjoy life like you once did. Mental stress shows as a risk factor for high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and cancer . The association between stress and long-term weight gain is less clear. Stress may  changes in dietary behaviors that lead to weight change .When you fell depression  you can lead to overeating and weight gain.So always free from mental stress.

Genetics reason-Genetics reason is one of the main cause of weight gain.Its true that some genetics we get from our inherites .such as from our father.We become hungry and eat so much .There are some hormone problems which  cause of  overweight and obesity. ex- thyroid (hypothyroidism), Cushing's syndrome, and polycystic ovarian syndrome are cause of over weight

inactivity of thyroid means if our thyroid do not work properly  condition as a result the thyroid gland doesn't make enough thyroid hormone. Lack of thyroid hormone will slow down your metabolism and cause weight gain. You'll also feel tired and weak.
After all we can say that we should always follow a daily routine. Without we can not reduce our body weight.

Which drink is best and forbidden for us

Choice your drink
Which drink is best and which is forbidden to weight loss-Drinking something is so enjoyable to us .Its gives us so pleasure and provides energy. But we should considered our self which drink is best for us .Today i will show you in simple word which drink is best and forbidden for us-

 Do not drink soda- drinking soda is so enjoyable but it has no nutrients and not good for our health.If you drink soda your body weight increase.Because its gives you calories but we can not spend it as a result our body become fat.But now a days diet soda has less value to our health .So always avoid soda drink or less it drink .

Do not drink alcohol- alcohol is always injurious to our health.we should never drink alcohol.Drinking alcohol is damage our whole body system. Its damage our liver, increase mental stress, brain do not work properly,its spoil our muscle system,bone, teeth, hypertention, heart diseases . Alcohol is one kind of toxin. Our digestive system do not digest this kind of drink so its store in our body as a fat .As a result its increase our weight.So always avoid drink alcohol if you want to loss your weight.

Do not drink energy drink-Most of the energy drinks contains so much calories.Its like a calories bombs.If you do not spent your energy its stored our body as a result our body weight will be increase and your your all efforts to loss weight will be vanished.

Do not drink collers- Coolers is contains sound light and airy, but it has so much calories.A survey shows that a  12-ounce cooler provides 190 calories and 22 grams of carbs.At The same size  lemonade or bottled alcoholic "ice" contains 315 calories.  wine is not  a diet drink,it contains  100 calories in a 5-ounce glass. A low-calorie  wine spritzer drink Mix  with some sparkling do not drink collers .

Do not drink Cocktails-Cocktails drink is not good for our health.Its contains heavy calories.Simple  a drink contains less calories but when you make it Cocktails its become a big bomb of
calories.When you make 8-ounce cocktails its provides you about 720 calories.This such big amount of calories you can not spent and its stored in your body.As a result your body weight must increase .So if you want to loss your weight always avoid cocktails drink.

 Drink green tea - Green tea is probably the most healthiest weight loss drink. Three cups a day of  green tea can help you burn 80 calories.

Drink black coffee- When you need to caffeine you should drink black coffee.It may be best choice rather than soda or energy drinks.Black coffee contains calories free but its antioxidants.  A surveys have shown that drinking some amounts of coffee 3 or 4 cups a day may improve your mood, stress, concentration its also good for your respirotory function and may also lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer.

Drink milk-Milk is one of the balance diet drink. Its contain calcium,mineral,vitamin.Its one of the best drink for our body.A surveys have shown that drinking milk is help to reduce our weight.So you can drink milt without any doubt.

Drink vegetable juice-Vegetable juice is contains so much nutrients.One cup of tomato has 45 calories one another way orange juice contains 120 calories. soup with  water, onion , green chile, tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce leaf, carrot .

Drink water with honey- take at least 10 glass of water. Take a glass of mild warm water and add 2 tablespoon of honey and 3 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice mix it well and drink it before breakfast once daily.drinking water is essential to our body for weight loss.Its keep our body clean, refresh also help to our body digestive system.Water is one of the vital element of our body. Without water our body function will not perform easily .At least drink 2-3 liter per day .Drink one glass of water before your eat so that you can less hungry and can eat less.Without water balance our body function will not perform easily.Its also help so much to reduce our weight.  

Drink fruits juice-Drinking fruits juice is so enjoyable and good for your health.Drink grapefruit juice is the best weight loss fruits.It has low sugar content and lots of fiber to help improve your digestive system.Drink apple juice regular . Apples have pectin in them which forms a slimy substance in the intestine, stimulating bowel movement.It contains Phosphorous and Potassium which help wash out the kidneys.Always try to eat fresh and apples.

   In a word if you follow all this things we must say that  our body weight must be dis creased.

Maintain your daily routine to loss your weight

Maintain your daily routine

Maintain your regular chart- Daily routine is the most important in your life. You must have keep your routine .If you have computer ,laptop, or phone ,put your daily chart in your device. So that you can easily remind it . Without it your all efforts will be vanished.So its very important you should follow your daily activities.

make a food dairy-you should have make a food dairy.So that you can follow it easily .You have to consider yourself Which food is best in your breakfast, which food is best in your launch and which food is best at dinner.Follow all your food menu  strictly.In this way you can understand what is going on in your body weight .Do your body weight is  loss or gain?

Take proper sleep-Sleep is most important for a human being .To keep fit your should take proper sleep. A surveys proof that a man who take proper sleep he/she always keep free from many diseases.such as ,mental stress,obesity,heart diseases,stroke etc. scholar says :"early to bed early to rise makes a man wealthy and happy" we should go bed at early not late night. If you sleep well your digestive system work properly.your cardiovascular system well be strong. your all stress will be gone. You can take some
physical exercise early in the morning.But now a days we can see that most of the people not only america but also all over the world people are waste their time with computer, internet,bar , late night that they can not sleep properly.They will suffer such kind of diseases.So if you want to keep you body fit and trying to loos your weight you have to sleep properly .

Be aware about food item-always aware about nutrients .Because if your body do not provide enough nutrients your all efforts will be vanished for weight loss.How much need your body protien, how much need your carbohydrate,how much need vitamin ,mineral .Just keep eye on your nutrients that your body are supply properly .How much intake for your body ,how much calories you have burn and how much need .So always be aware about your food .

Control your imotion- Always control your imotion. suppose so delicious food come in fornt you then what will you do ? will you take eat so much or take as your body need . Because you are follow diet and trying to loss your weight in simple way. You should control your imotion and this delicious food you have to eat  as your body need .Do not eat over. Do not get anger. Because a surveys proof that many people eat over when they are so much angry . Control your mental stress.Cause of people eat over when they are lead a stressful life .They fell relax when they are eat more . So if you want to loss your weight always control your imotion.
How much calories need for your body just count it and take.If you loss your weight in a week you should take 500 calories a day and weekly 3500 calories. You have to maintain it by eating less or a combination.
Count your calories-You should always count tour daily calories.

 Measure your weight-Weight measurement is very important to loss your weight. If you measure your weight after some days you will find out are you going right or wrong direction. If you go right direction your weight must loss and if you go wrong direction your weight will be increase. So just measure your body weight after some days.
If you follow all this routine you can expect to loss your weight .

keep away mental depression

Always free from depression

Sound mind are closely connection with each other . If mind is not well your body also feel sick . We should always keep our mind fresh  .There are also close connection with depression and weight gain.  There are many reason to weight gain and among them depression is one of the most .Up and down from time to time is a normal part of our life, but when emotions such as depression and despair take hold and just do not go away, you may have depression.  Depression hamper  to function of our body and enjoy life like you once did. Stress shows as a risk factor for high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and cancer . The association between stress and long-term weight gain is less clear. Stress may  changes your dietary routine that lead to weight change .When you fell depression  you can lead to overeating and weight gain;

obesity can lead to overwhelming sadness. , baseline body mass index   response to stress . These factors may cause some people to gain more weight under stressful condition , while others may gain less weight or even lose weight when stressed. If you do not control your  imotion you will eat so much . A survey proved that when a person fell depression he/she take eat so much to free from depression.The study also found that people who were borderline obese and depressed became gradually obese over the following year. People shows  depression are much likely to overeat or make poor food choices, avoid exercising, and become more sedentary. When he/she take over eat, feel relax.It not only effect of our body but also our whole body system . the relationship between depression and abdominal obesity, result of  risk for cancer and cardiovascular disease. When you fell stress your digestive system not to work properly . Your cardiovascular system are not work properly. By writing this article, I am not trying to convince anyone of anything; I’m just trying to give you something to think about — perhaps a new idea.In a word if we want to reduce our weight we should always keep away depression and feel happy . In this way we can live a wealthy and  normal life.     

Make a simple diet to loss your weight

Make a simple  diet for own

Diet is most important to loss your weight. If you maintain your diet you must loss your weight within few days .In our question which diet is best for us? we should always prefer a simple diet . Here i will show you some daily normal diet

. Eating fruits-You have to eat fruits daily .keep fruits in your regular diet .You must know all that fruits are very important for your health.Fruit diet is effective in detoxification of our body, it improve healing process and it also helps healthy weight loss.   Preferred fruits are apple, watermelon,orange and all kinds of citrus fruits .

Eat grapefruit is the best weight loss fruit.It has low sugar content and lots of fiber to help improve your digestive system. Eat apple regular . Apples have pectin in them which forms a slimy substance in the intestine, stimulating bowel movement.It contains Phosphorous and Potassium which help wash out the kidneys.Always try to eat fresh and apples.

 Drink green tea - Green tea is probably the most healthiest weight loss drink. Three cups a day of  green tea can help you burn 80 calories.

 Eat vegetables -You can eat raw vegetables in form of plain salad or you can eat boil vegetables and add some salt and pepper . You should not eat cream,butter. You should eat potato which provides you a good supply of ions and water for your body . Potato is rich in important minerals like potassium ,calcium, iron and phosphorus.Potato is good source of vitaminC,vitaminA, B it also contain starch which best source of starch.

 Make a salad recipe- make a salad recipe with leaves, cabbage, green onion, carrots, radish. tomato, lemon juice .

Make a diet soup- make a diet soup with  water, onion , green chile, tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce leaf, carrot .
Drink water with honey- take at least 10 glass of water. Take a glass of mild warm water and add 2 tablespoon of honey and 3 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice mix it well and drink it before breakfast once daily.

If you follow all this diet chart,  you can expect a healthy loss life within few days .

Take some regular exercise

 Do some physical exercise regular

Physical exercise means the regular movement of our body limbs .Its essential to keep our body feet and sound mind .It is performed for various reasons, including increasing growth and development, its gives strength muscles and  improve the cardiovascular system,  weight loss or maintenance, and merely enjoyment.  Regular physical exercise increase the immune system and helps prevent from deadly diseases of affluence" such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes . It  also help to reduce stress and depression, increase quality of sleep and  protect from diseases such as insomnia, improve mental health, maintain steady digestion and treat constipation and as, regulate fertility health, and augment an There are close connection between body and mind . We can not think of a sound mind without a sound health. Physical exercise enables our body function smoothly . Regular exercise makes our muscle strong. Its also improve our power of  digestion. Its helps to perform our blood  circulation .Its gave strength to our brain.If we do some regular exercise no diseases can touch us  . Its help to refresh our mind and keep fit . Physical exercise helps to reduce our fat . Without physical exercise its quite impossible  .So we take some regular exercise . In our regular chart we must  includes physical exercise.

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  Hempz Original, Sweet Pineapple & Honey Melon, and Triple Moisture Mini Moisturizers, Pure, Natural & Herbal Hemp Seed Lotion for ...